Romanian Payment Agency Nearly Granted All Hectare Subsidies For 2007, Two Months After Deadline

Romania’s Agriculture Payment Agency (APIA) completed most of last year’s payments per hectare, two months after the deadline, and needs to finalize the cases of nearly 3,200 farmers who applied for subsidies in 2007.


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Romanian Payment Agency Nearly Granted All Hectare Subsidies For 2007, Two Months After Deadline

"There are only 3,200 farmers left to get subsidies, but the payment procedures will last longer, as they involve litigations, system technicalities or bank account problems. Litigations will take time, which is not up to APIA, while system technicalities are treated separately,” APIA spokesperson Dragos Nacuta said Wednesday.

He added system technicalities represent soft errors, which need special attention in each case.

Nacuta said 92 farmers have bank account problems.

“Either the bank account was closed, or it was opened for an individual, and the entry name in our system was made for a judicial entity,” Nacuta said.

APIA was supposed to complete payments by June 30, and the sums given after the deadline are subject to penalties (a certain percentage of the remainder of the sum will not be retrieved).

The penalty tax for sums paid after June 30 is EUR219,000, accounting for a sum APIA paid to farmers and cannot be retrieved from European funds.

For last year’s subsidies, 1.24 million farmers applied.

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