Romanian PM Says Romania Has 1.27M State Employees, Layoffs To Continue

Romania had 1.27 million public sector employees in November, more than the cap agreed with the International Monetary Fund, and layoffs will continue next year for the ministries of Administration and Finance, Prime Minister Emil Boc said late Tuesday.


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Romanian PM Says Romania Has 1.27M State Employees, Layoffs To Continue

"We reached a number of 1,274,000 state employees at the end of November," Boc said Tuesday evening on public television.

He added the restructuring process will continue next year in sectors where it has not been finalized, such as public administration and finance.

Two weeks ago, Boc said on ProTV the number of state employees would drop to less than 1.29 million by the end of the year, as agreed with the IMF.

Finance Ministry state secretary Gheorghe Gherghina said recently Romania had 1.378 million public workers in December 2009, which meant about 88,000 workers had to be fired this year. He also said 26,000 state employees must be sacked between September and December 2010 to reach the 1.29 million state workers target.

Finance Minister Gheorghe Ialomitianu said Tuesday layoffs will continue into 2011 and state secretary Gherghina said 2,000 employees of the Finance Ministry would be laid off by March 2011.

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