Romanian President Signed Revocation Of Social Democrat Ministers Who Resigned

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday that he signed at the proposition of Prime Minister Emil Boc the decrees revoking the ministers who resigned.


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Romanian President Signed Revocation Of Social Democrat Ministers Who Resigned

Basescu said it was impossible to refuse the prime minister's proposal to sack a minister, adding that such a refusal would not have complied with the Constitution and would have crushed the authority of the head of the Executive.

He said the attitude of the prime minister in the case of former interior minister Dan Nica was correct, as a minister who discredits without proof the presidential elections should not be part of the Cabinet.

Basescu said that Nica's statements regarding the renting of buses during the presidential elections was a lie, as he verified the information, adding that if the minister was misinformed by a subordinate, he should have admitted to that.

Romanian social democrat ministers in the center-left coalition government handed in their resignations Thursday after President Traian Basescu endorsed the democrat liberal prime minster's decision to sack social democrat Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Dan Nica.

Social democrats held the ministries of Interior, Education, Agriculture, Labor, SMEs, Foreign Affairs, Environment and the Ministry for the Relation with Parliament. Social democrat state secretaries also resigned out of solidarity.

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