Romanian President: Supporting Separatist Regimes Endanger Regional Stability

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Tuesday, referring to the situation in Azerbaijan, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova, that any attempt to support separatist regimes contributes to the deterioration of regional stability.


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Romanian President: Supporting Separatist Regimes Endanger Regional Stability

The Romanian president said Tuesday during a visit to Azerbaijan's capital Baku that, when he took over his first term as president, he proposed for consideration at a European level the problems the Black Sea region was facing.

"Over the past five years we have carried out real campaigns concerning this issue. Our steps were met with different reactions, although we were witness to dramatic events which left deep scars and for which we are now searching for solutions," Basescu added.

He said problem approaches adopted by leaders in Baku, Tbilisi and Chisinau must be supported, adding they make real efforts to identify, together with European partners and other international structures, viable solution to restore peace and stability in the Black Sea region.

The Romanian president reiterated the need to find solutions regarding Transnistria and to preserve the Republic of Moldova's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

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