Romanian President Supports Introduction Of Tax On Untilled Land

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday he supports the introduction of a tax on untilled land, which should be set at least to the level of the subsidy per hectare of land granted in line with European Union regulations.


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Romanian President Supports Introduction Of Tax On Untilled Land

"This year, three million hectares of land remained untilled (…) According to EU regulations, whether you till the land or not, the EUR100 per hectare subsidy is still granted," said Basescu in the conference "Partnership for economic growth in 2011," hosted by daily "Ziarul Financiar" and the Foreign Investors' Council.

The head of state stressed that leaving three million hectares of land untilled "almost strikes a blow at the economy".

"It is almost convenient not to till the land and receive EUR100 per hectare from the European Union. It is almost convenient," highlighted Basescu.

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