Romanian President Urges Government to Dissolve Magistrate Investigation Section

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis requested the country’s government on Wednesday to draft a bill which would “correct the anomaly” of the Section for Investigating Judicial Offences, quoting a GRECO report which criticized the institution’s vague role and jurisdiction.


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Romanian President Urges Government to Dissolve Magistrate Investigation Section

“Everyone understood very well that this section is an anomaly. The government must urgently prepare a legal initiative to correct this anomaly. Of course, the debate will be in the Parliament, but the initiative must drafted in the Government,” Iohannis said in a press statement at the Cotroceni Palace on Wednesday.

The head of state also requested the executive to include in the bill measures “necessary to re-position the law in concordance with the rule of law, popular wish and in agreement with European institutions”.

The Council of Europe’s main advisory board on corruption issues, the Group of States against Corruption, criticized Romania’s recent anticorruption efforts in two reports published on Tuesday. The institution made special mention of the section, saying that it could create jurisdiction problems and might be used to interfere in criminal trials, recommending Romanian authorities to abolish it.

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