Romanian Public Sector Staff Given Choice Between Cash Or Card At Wage Collection

Romanian public sector employees will have the possibility to choose between receiving their wages on a bank card or cash, based on a draft law approved Wednesday by the Government and sent to Parliament with urgency.


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Romanian Public Sector Staff Given Choice Between Cash Or Card At Wage Collection

The draft law was approved by the Government when the Constitutional Court decided in June that the provisions imposing payment on card are unconstitutional.

Prime Minister Emil Boc asked the minister-delegate for the relation with Parliament, Victor Ponta, to make sure the new draft law is sent to Parliament with urgency.

The Romanian Government decided by emergency ordinance in 2007 that "ministries, the other special structures of the central and local public administration, as well as the public institutions under these structures, regardless of their financing system, will take the necessary measures to pay the wages of staff on bank cards."

The Ombudsman notified the Constitutional Court regarding this provision, and the Court decided the card use obligation is unconstitutional.

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