Romanian Railway Unionists Threaten New Strikes Over Planned Salary Cuts

Romanian state-owned railway CFR unionists are prepared to go on strike again if the management reduces the working week to four days, "Miscare-Comercial" union federation president Gheorghe Fratica told MEDIAFAX on Wednesday.


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Romanian Railway Unionists Threaten New Strikes Over Planned Salary Cuts

The unions met with the management last week and were informed of the plan to reduce the work week by one day, entailing a 20% salary cut, said Fratica. On Tuesday, the unions announced they would not accept any more wage cuts and are prepared to go on strike.

According to the union leader, the reduction would only affect employees working eight hours per day, not the personnel working in shifts.

The management of freight carrier CFR Marfa in late May decided to reduce the work week to four days, along with the matching salary cut. This plan was protested by the "Cartel Alfa" union confederation, which argued that the measure was in violation of the company's collective work contract and taken without the union's consent.

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