Romanian Seaside Town Mangalia To Invest EUR4.4M In Amusement Park

The mayoralty in Romanian seaside town Mangalia will begin, by the end of September, the construction of an amusement park between resorts Saturn and Venus, in a project that will cost EUR4.4 million, mayor Claudiu Tusac told MEDIAFAX Wednesday.


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Romanian Seaside Town Mangalia To Invest EUR4.4M In Amusement Park

The amusement park will be set up on a surface of 1.4 hectares and will be open in September 2010.

The project also includes the upgrade of the area around the road connecting the two resorts, respectively the construction of sidewalks, parking lots, green areas, ambient lighting and alleys one a length of some 1.7 kilometers.

In addition, the road between Saturn and Venus will be widened to four lanes.

Tusac said financing will come from the European Commission.


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