Romanian Senate Could Call Extra Session To Vote On Prosecution Of Lawmakers

The commission for legal matters in the Romanian Senate has analyzed the files of labor minister Paul Pacuraru and former economy minister Codrut Seres, for whom prosecutors requested approval to probe corruption allegations, commission president Norica Nicolai said Tuesday.


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Romanian Senate Could Call Extra Session To Vote On Prosecution Of Lawmakers

Nicolai said the commission is ready to present the Senate with a report on the matter, which would justify an extraordinary session. The commission for legal matters is to recommend the Senate in plenary session whether or not to approve the start of criminal investigations against the two officials.

The National Anticorruption Department, or DNA, requested in April the Senate’s approval to prosecute Pacuraru, and the General Prosecutors’ Office requested approval to prosecute Seres.

Senate chairman Nicolae Vacaroiu said Monday he sees no reason to call an extraordinary session to solve prosecution requests against officials.

Basescu sent a letter Thursday to Vacaroiu and lower house speaker Bogdan Olteanu, urging them to call an extraordinary parliament session, in the first ten days of July, to reexamine the law on the Court of Accounts and to vote on prosecutors’ request to probe bribery allegations against former Cabinet members.

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