Romanian Social Democrats Not To Endorse New PM-Designate

Romanian Social Democratic Party vice-president Dan Nica told a news conference Friday his party will not give a confidence vote to the Government to be proposed by new Prime Minister-designate Liviu Negoita, adding the latter should not come before Parliament.


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Romanian Social Democrats Not To Endorse New PM-Designate

Asked whether the Parliament could delay holding a confidence vote for Negoita's proposed Cabinet until after presidential elections on November 22, Nica said such possibility might be taken into account.

Nica advised Negoita not to make the same mistake as Lucian Croitoru and refuse the nomination because he has no support in Parliament, adding time should not be wasted with hearing new proposed ministers.

Romanian President Traian Basescu Friday designated Bucharest district 3 mayor Liviu Negoita for prime minister, after the Cabinet proposed by economist Lucian Croitoru met with a no-confidence vote in Parliament.

Negoita, a democrat liberal, said he wants to form a coalition government and negotiations would start Friday and a proposed Cabinet list would be sent to Parliament Monday.

Nica said, after Basescu designated Negoita as prime minister, "this solution is a mere attempt of the head of state to hide his real intentions" and have a democrat libearl Government organizing the presidential elections.

Nica deemed as "embarrassing and unfit" the fact the president did not mention Negoita's name during the meeting held Friday with political parties on the new prime minister, and politicians learned the name of the new prime minister-designate from the media.

Social democrat leader and presidential candidate Mircea Geoana said "We have witnessed the last political decision made by Basescu's regime. The acting president discredited himself the moment he deliberately annulled any chance to have a stable Government by the time of presidential elections." Geoana added the immediate consequence of Basescu's choice for prime minister is the delay of the third loan disbursement the IMF would have granted Romania in December.

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