Romanian Teachers Threaten Exam Boycott, Strike, Over Bonus Removal

Romanian education unions are threatening to boycott national exams and go on general strike, displeased that talks held Monday with the labor minister did not remove the article reducing staff spending through the removal of merit salaries, bonuses and indemnities.


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Romanian Teachers Threaten Exam Boycott, Strike, Over Bonus Removal

The executive president of the "Spiru Haret" Federation, Marius Nistor, said the representatives of teachers do not back the draft ordinance on the removal of bonuses, because it seriously diminishes the salaries of teachers, thus violating an organic law, namely the Statute of Teaching Staff.
Nistor added the Ministry of Labor representatives proposed that unionists give up on three articles, those regarding the merit salary, the bonus fund and the antenna bonus in exchange for the removal of article 20 cutting staff spending.
The president of CNSLR Fratia, Marius Petcu, who came to the meeting some three hours late, said the unions and the Ministry of Labor will sign a minute, which will be politically assumed, regarding the topics discussed so far in this draft ordinance.
Petcu said the miistry will try to transfer the issues specific to various categories to the concerned ministries, namely the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Interior, and then a decision will be reached on a prime minister level.
At press time, talks continued at the Ministry of Labor.
Previously, the president of the "Alma Mater" Federaiton, Razvan Bobulescu, said following talks with the Ministry of Labor the decision reached was that the indemnities and bonuses will not be removed.
Bobulescu said, upon exiting talks with ministry of labor representatives that education staff will continue to benefit form merit salaries, the 2% prize fund, commuter compensation, EUR100 for books for all teachers and paid overtime.

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