Romanian Tourism Min Not Responsible For Toilet Shortage In Tourist Areas

The Romanian Tourism Ministry said in a statement Saturday that the absence of toilets in tourist areas is a severe problem, of which the local public administration and the National Roads Administration are in charge, and not the ministry.


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Romanian Tourism Min Not Responsible For Toilet Shortage In Tourist Areas

“The ministry’ representatives have already talked about this with the mayors and the county councils’ leaders,” the ministry said in the statement.

Corina Martin, head of the Tour Operators’ Association Agency told MEDIAFAX in May that Romania needs a few thousands toilets in tourist areas, and one of the most affected area is Bucharest, where the tourists encounter hard problems in findings a toilet.
“The biggest problem signalled by foreign tourists travelling to Romania is the lack of toilet facilities in many areas and the deplorable state of these facilities where they do exist. We want to start a campaign Tuesday (May 19-e.n) aiming to fix this problem. If we want foreign tourists in Romania, we have to start with toilets,” she said.

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