Romanian Transport Ministry Will Take Over 6 Ha Of Forest For Highway

The Romanian Ministry for Transportation will take over six hectares of forest from the National Forest Administration Romsilva, through the Snagov Forestry Department, necessary for the construction of the Bucharest-Ploiesti highway.


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Romanian Transport Ministry Will Take Over 6 Ha Of Forest For Highway

The area, comprising 15 plots of land, is located in Snagov and Moara Vlasiei in Ilfov County. Work was halted last year because the highway needed to pass through a forest which could not be cleared, as it was included in the Natura 2000 program.

Italian firm Pizzarotti/Tirena Scavi is working on the 19.5 km long Bucharest-Moara Vlasiei segment, with a contract worth RON152.8 million (EUR1=RON4.2908).

Romanian Corporation UMB Spedition/Pa & Co International/Euroconstruct Trading ‘98/Com-Axa is working on the 42.5 km long Moara Vlasiei-Ploiesti segment, with a contract worh EUR100 million.

Natura 2000 is a program aiming to conserve certain plant and animal species in their natural habitat. Once a site is becomes part of Natura 2000, it is subject to restrictive measures which aim to keep the protected species as unaffected as possible.

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