Romanian Unionists At Loggerheads With U.S. Builder Bechtel Over Planned Layoffs

Cartel Alfa unionists in Cluj, northwestern Romania, on Wednesday accused U.S. company Bechtel, which builds Romania’s Transylvania Highway, of plotting to sack 200 workers under the pretext they are unfit for the job, although they have been working on the site for five or six years.


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Romanian Unionists At Loggerheads With U.S. Builder Bechtel Over Planned Layoffs

Cartel Alfa Cluj union leader Grigore Pop told a press conference Wednesday that planned layoffs are supposedly based on staff performance evaluations made by Bechtel, without prior talks with unionists.

According to Pop, 60 workers have already received layoff notifications as unfit for the job, among whom, unskilled workers, drivers, engineers or janitors.

Pop stressed unionists will take the issue to court and demand that "masked layoffs" be canceled, adding they will "pile on pressure on high officials and politicians to step in and take a stand."

Pop also said unionists are determined to send an open letter to Prime Minister Emil Boc, arguing that, in times of crisis, investments and keeping jobs must become top priority.

He pointed out the whole situation is an offense for Romanian workers, given that staff performance evaluations are made under American rules, without prior talks with unionists, and are not even included in the collective labor contract.

Bechtel officials have refrained from comments so far.

Construction works on Transylvania highway, linking central Brasov to western Bors, started in 2004 based on a contract worth EUR2.2 billion, which was assigned to Bechtel.

However, works were halted mid-2005 when the authorities looked into the contracts concluded during previous governments.

Under these circumstances, the initial deadline for the completion of works, set for 2012, was extended by one year.

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