Romanian War Correspondent Mile Carpenisan Dies At 34

Romanian war correspondent Mile Carpenisan, of Timisoara, western Romania, died Monday at age 34, at the Timisoara county hospital, where he had been admitted last week.


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Romanian War Correspondent Mile Carpenisan Dies At 34

Hospital manager Gheorghe Nodici said Monday doctors expected him not to survive, as he was in a coma and his state had worsened.
Medical sources said the journalist died following cardiac arrest.

Carpenisan was admitted a few days ago to the Timisoara county hospital, but doctors declined to give details as to his diagnosis.

Bloggers and Twitter users posted last week calls for blood donors to help Carpenisan, whom they said was in a coma following a septic shock.

One month ago, Carpenisan organized an ample fund raising campaign to help a young man, Daniel Raduta, who suffered from leukemia and needed a very expensive bone marrow transplant.

Carpenisan was a war correspondent for TV stations Antena 1 and Antena 3 for over ten years and reported from numerous conflict areas. In 2008, Carpenisan became a freelance journalist.

Survivors include his parents and his wife, Ramona Carpenisan.

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