“Saw IV” Banned In Romania

The Romanian film regulators on Wednesday banned Darren Lynn Bousman’s horror movie “Saw IV,” due to “excessive cruelty or sadism scenes,” movie distributors said Thursday, mentioning they appealed the decision.


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“Saw IV” Banned In Romania

Diana Gheorghiş, Marketing&Advertising Manager New Films Romania said the National Cinematography Center rated the movie I.M.-18-XXX (films banned to minors and public broadcast).
The distributors hope the regulator will attend a second viewing of the movie and change its rating. 
 “As far as we know, the movie has not been banned in any other country, and neither were the previous three parts Saw I, II and III,” Gheorghis said. 
 “Saw IV,” starring Tobin Bell and Costas Mandylor, was supposed to have its premier in Romania on March 14.

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