Schools To Close Countrywide On Friday Due To Flu

Romania’s Education Ministry decided to close all schools on Friday, January 25, due to evolution of flu infections throughout the country, which is on the verge of the epidemic.


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Schools To Close Countrywide On Friday Due To Flu

The announcement was made through a statement of Romania’s Health Ministry, which announced the Education Ministry that the growth in acute respiratory infections was surpassing initial estimates.

The Health Ministry also announced that if the number of infections continue to grow next week, for the third time in a row, it will officially declare a flu epidemic.

The decision to close schools was also made as pupils also have Thursday off as a legal holiday, meaning that children would have four days less in which they could be exposed to be virus in public places.

Representatives of the opposition party USR had requested Health Minister Sorina Pintea earlier on Wednesday to declare a flu epidemic, in the context of the disease’s death toll reaching 29 this season.

The minister initially stated on January 15 that there were no basis for a flu epidemic, attributing the high number of cases to a more intense circulation of the virus due to weather conditions. She changed her stance days later as the number of cases and deaths continued to grow, saying that the country is “on the verge of a flu epidemic”.

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