Senior Ruling Party MP Quits, Joins Former PM’s Party

Romania’s ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) lost another MP on Monday, after the chairman of its Caras-Severin branch, Ion Mocioalca, announced he was quitting the group to join the newly-formed PRO Romania Party, founded by former PSD Prime Minister Victor Ponta.


Imaginea articolului Senior Ruling Party MP Quits, Joins Former PM’s Party

Senior Ruling Party MP Quits, Joins Former PM’s Party

The PSD MP announced that his decision was taken in regards with “the road the party has taken” in recent times, alluding to the increasingly-contested leadership of convicted chairman Liviu Dragnea.

He also requested his former colleagues not to express conspiracy theories as reasons for his decision.

“I suggest everyone who will be upset by this political gesture not to search for explanations in the parallel state, in made-up court cases, in wounded vanities or past or present political fights (…) They should give a hard thought to the experience of others who thought themselves immortal and irresponsibly played with power, ending up victims, of their own power,” Mocioalca said in a Facebook post announcing his resignation from the party.

The PSD MP was a supporter of a failed attempt to oust Dragnea from party leadership in September, whose main supporters have been either excluded from the group or stripped of all of their offices in the meantime. Ion Mocioalca was a member of PSD for 24 years.


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