Smuggled Cigarettes Found In Nadlac Customs-W Romania

Romanian border police discovered Monday evening 450,000 cigarette packs worth EUR630,000 hidden in a truck transporting eggplants and cucumbers, heading outside the borders through Nadlac customs, western Romania.


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Smuggled Cigarettes Found In Nadlac Customs-W Romania


The truck, registered in Germany and driven by Greek national Dimitrios P., 26, arrived at Nadlac customs Monday at 10 p.m., according to a police statement.

Documents presented to the border police indicated the truck was carrying from Greece eggplants and cucumbers to be delivered to a company in the Czech Republic.

Border police made a full check-up of the truck load and found 454,040 packs of “Jin Ling” trademarked cigarettes, hidden behind the vegetables, which were not registered in the documents the driver had. The cigarettes’ market value amounts to nearly EUR630,000.

The driver said he was not aware that the truck was loaded with cigarettes. He received a fine of 100,000 lei(EUR1=RON3.5010), and the cigarettes were confiscated.

The police will continue investigation to find all the people involved in the smuggling case.

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