The child who had fallen into coma after anesthesia has died

The four year old child who fell into coma after being anesthetized in a dentist medical unit, in Piteşti, has died on Wednesday at "Grigore Alexandrescu" Hospital, after a cardio-respiratory stop, the centre's representatives have announced.


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The child who had fallen into coma after anesthesia has died

Raluca Alexandru, spokesman for Grigore Alexandrescu Hospital, has said on Wednesday that the cardio-respiratory stop suffered by the four year old child could not be revived.

"About half an hour ago the child died. He entered in cardio-respiratory stop and could not be resuscitated. The parents were with him", said Raluca Alexandru.

The four year old child had been in a coma following a general anesthetic performed at a dentist medical centre. On Wednesday afternoon he was brain dead, kept alive only by devices, doctors for the "Grigore Alexandrescu" Hospital said for MEDIAFAX.

According to the quoted source, in the presence of his parents, was performed electroencephalography (EEG), which showed the lack of brain activity.

The representatives of the Dentistry College have self-activated themselves in this case.

The police also opened an investigation in this case.

The clinic in Piteşti was closed by Public Health Directorate Argeş, according to the statements of the Health minister, Victor Costache.

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