Two military aircraft will bring medical supplies from Turkey and Germany for the ROL2 Hospital

The operational Mobile Hospital ROL 2 will be functional shortly and two aircraft will bring medical supplies from Turkey and Germany, the National Defence Ministry (MApN) has announced in a press release (MApN).


Imaginea articolului Two military aircraft will bring medical supplies from Turkey and Germany for the ROL2 Hospital

Two military aircraft will bring medical supplies from Turkey and Germany for the ROL2 Hospital

"At this time, 15 missions are underway, in which are involved more than 140 soldiers with about 100 technical means, including by making operational, from an administrative point of view, the medical formation ROL 2 inside the National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics Ana Aslan Otopeni, ensuring a computer network for the Ministry of Health and carrying out epidemiological triage actions", announces the quoted source.

The interior design of the tents and specialized salons of the medical training group ROL 2 will be completed on Monday, and will be connected to utilities in the shortest time. From a medical point of view, the ROL 2 hospital will be functional after the installation of the medical equipment and having completed the authorization and accreditation stages. At the same time, in the garrisons of the country, the military medical institutions can operate to the maximum capacity.

Also on Monday, two Romanian Air Force aircraft will fly to bring to Romania a medical protection kits from Germany (with C-130 Hercules aircraft) and Turkey (with C-27 J Spartan aircraft).

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