Ukraine Restores Natural Gas Transit To Romania – Naftogaz Official

Ukrainian state-owned company Naftogaz resumed Sunday transit of natural gas to Romania at normal capacity, although Russian gas producer Gazprom Friday notified Romanian authorities it reduces supplies destined to Romania by 32% until January 11, KievPost reported.


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Ukraine Restores Natural Gas Transit To Romania – Naftogaz Official

The temporary reduction in gas transit was caused by technical problems, Naftogaz spokesperson Valentyn Zemlianskyi said, cited by KievPost.

“Those were technical jumps of the system... There is more than one pipe; there are several directions. Accordingly, we must know which volumes are designed for this or that direction. When there is no understanding, we have to calculate. This is rather complicated. That is why there can be such jumps," he said.

According to Zemlianskyi, gas transit to Romania has been fully restored.

Authorities in Bucharest received Friday a notification announcing the reduction of gas supplies to Romania by Gazprom

Francisc Toth, the general manager of Romania’s largest gas producer Romgaz, told MEDIAFAX Saturday gas flows from Russia are at the level mentioned in the company’s contracts.


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