US Visa Denials Reached 31.3% In Romania In Jan ’08

A joint work group was formed between Romania and the USA regarding visa matters, the Romanian Ministry of Foreign told MEDIAFAX, adding that, on January 31 visa request denials were three times above the limit mentioned in US legislation.


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US Visa Denials Reached 31.3% In Romania In Jan ’08

The Ministry said the main problem faced by Romania in its efforts to accede to the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) involves the visa request denial. According to the institution, denial rates were 31.3% on January 31, 2008, while the American legislation mentions a limit of 10%.

The Ministry states that this aspect received special attention from Romanian authorities, who approached the matter in the political-diplomatic contacts on all levels with American officials, in Bucharest as well as in Washington.

The result was that the two parties involved convened on the creation of a joint work group that would facilitate the mutual exchange of information between the Romanian authorities and the US Embassy, in view of improving the statistics leading to the compilation of the denial rate. Currently, the work group is being rendered operational.

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