Deneuve, Buciuceanu and Beligan – awards of excellence at TIFF

The great lady of the French cinema, actress Catherine Deneuve, acclaimed Romanian actors Tamara Buciuceanu Botez and Radu Beligan are the personalities granted the awards of excellence by TIFF for their entire artistic career, while the TIFF 2008 Great Trophy went to the Mexican documentary ‘Intimidades de Shakespeare y Victor Hugo’ directed by Yulene Olaizola.

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Deneuve, Buciuceanu and Beligan – awards of excellence at TIFF

“ Intimidades de Shakespeare y Victor Hugo” (Mexico, 2008), tells the story of the director’s grandmother who recalls her memories in front of the camera. She recounts how, in the 1980s, she let one of the rooms in her house to an attractive, eccentric and mysterious young man who was apparently harmless.

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