Romania's EnergoNuclear Hldrs Might Name GM Thursday

Shareholders of EnergoNuclear, the joint venture that will build nuclear reactors 3 and 4 at Romania’s nuclear power station Cernavoda, will meet for the first time Thursday and may name the company's general manager, among others, sources close to the matter told Mediafax Wednesday.

9 afișări

EnergoNuclear is formed of Nuclearelectrica, the state-owned company which operates the Cernavoda plant, Italy’s Enel, Gaz de France’s unit Electrabel, Czech CEZ, Spain’s Iberdrola, Germany’s RWE and ArcelorMittal Romania.

The names floated for the general manager position include Teodor Chirica, the former Nuclearelectrica general manager, Ioan Rotaru, a former Nuclearelectrica director, Ionel Bucur, current director with Nuclearelectrica, Teodor Nitulescu, former mayor of Alexandria town and former prefect of Teleorman, and Dan Ionescu, a director within Romania’s Energy Watchdog ANRE.

The project is estimated at EUR4 billion, while the construction of the units is due to start in 2010-2011. Each reactor will have an installed power of 720 MW.

Nuclearelectrica owns a 51% stake in the joint venture in charge with the construction of the two reactors.

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